Kettys solæg

This delicacy from Southern Jutland is traditionally served at Easter and will be included in our buffet from 13 – 22 April.

NB: The eggs must be prepared at least 2–3 days before they are eaten. 

Ketty’s recipe for solæg – eggs cured in salted water:

  • 20 eggs (ideally small or medium-sized)
  • The dry skins of two onions
  • 8 tbsp. salt
  • 2 litres water


  1. Boil the eggs for 30–40 minutes. 
  2. Allow the eggs to cool slightly and then crush the eggs shells without removing them (so that the lovely marble pattern will form on the eggs).
  3. Boil the water with salt and onion skins. The resulting liquid gives the marble pattern on the eggs its wonderful colour. 
  4. Allow the liquid to cool slightly and pour over the eggs – the eggs should be covered by the liquid. 
  5. Leave the eggs for 2-3 days before serving. The eggs will keep for 2–3 weeks.